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Well July is finally here and the summer heat will not let up for at least several more months so I want to stay on my theme of plants that work well in this dry weather. This week I have decided to talk about my favorite plant, the plumeria. Plumerias could be your answer to finding a plant that will flourish in our summer heat and once the plants are established they even do well during drought conditions. Many of us have areas in the garden that get full sun and little water. These conditions may not work well for some plants but for the plumeria, these conditions are ideal. That is why I love plumerias.

I was introduced to the Plumeria’s over twenty-five years ago from a customer of mine who had one growing in her garden. When I saw the tropical plant I commented to her on how lovely the blossoms smelled. She told me that these were the blossoms that the locals in Hawaii used to make the Hawaiian Leis. She told me they came in many colors and fragrances and that she was able to take a cutting home to Florida and decided to plant it in her garden. She also told me about how easy the plant was to grow and that it preferred to be in the full sun. Then she asked if I would like a piece of her plant to start. Of course, I said yes. She then broke a piece off her plant and took the leaves off and told me to wait about five days then just “stick it in the ground”. Well, I followed her instructions and within a month or two, my plant was growing. I was hooked!

Since I started my nursery I have been fortunate to name over twenty-five cultivars of plumerias which I have propagated myself. This took many years of growing and thousands of tries but I managed to produce some very pretty varieties. I also have chosen some of the best varieties of plumerias I have found over the years and sell them in my nursery, ABC Tropical Plant Nursery, Inc. Most of these additional cultivars were chosen for their blooming, branching, fragrance, and color. I am particularly partial to the tri-color varieties we carry. The tri-color varieties have three colors on each of the petals as shown in some of the photographs I have included. My enthusiasm to grow and propagate this plant continues. I am constantly looking for new or improved varieties to share with others (there are over 1000). If you want a carefree plant that loves dry areas of the garden and our hot sun then this is the plant for you.

Plumerias can work in any garden. Pick out a sunny spot that is well drained and plant your plumeria at the same height it is in the pot. There is no need to improve the soil around your new plant. Water in your new planting to settle the roots and if the new plant is very tall you may need to stake the plant. Fertilize your new plumeria with Osmacote or another fertilizer containing phosphorous. I like to fertilize every two months with light applications. Even when plumerias go dormant in the winter, I like to apply small amounts of fertilizer to keep the root system growing. Most plumerias will grow to a height of six to eight feet tall in central Florida. Plants that are in protected areas can reach heights of over ten feet. Once your plant is established there is little you will need to do but enjoy the show.

Please remember that plumerias will drop their leaves in the winter. This is a natural process so do not be alarmed. If you live in an area that gets prolonged freezes, you will need to protect them. I like to plant my plumerias in groups or along with other plants of equal size will help to protect them. Ornamental bananas or dwarf bananas seem to help protect the plants by providing a blanket of leaves during cold weather. Bananas also give you the contrast of leaf textures which adds to that tropical effect in the garden. Once springtime comes along your plants will start the year by going into bloom then producing their leaves. Plumerias leaves will grow up to two feet long and six inches wide adding that tropical look to your garden.  
The blossoms of plumerias come in various shapes, sizes, and scents. Some blossoms get five to six inches across while others may only grow two inches across. All plumerias are fragrant and each has its own distinctive smell. Some plumerias smell like citrus, some smell like gardenias, and others have cinnamon odors. Once the bloom stalk starts to form the individual flowers will open several at a time. The larger the plant the larger the blossoms and the more flower stalks will be produced. Most of the registered cultivars of plumerias will produce at least fifteen to fifty blooms on each bloom stalk.
Plumerias bloom on new growth so you will want to feed your plumeria a good fertilizer containing phosphorus. I like to use Osmacote fertilizer every two months with the numbers 15-15-15. This gives the plant the nutrients it needs slowly over time. As the bloom stalk grows the plant initiates branching at the flower stalk. Normally three branches are initiated as the bloom stalk grows. Some plumerias will produce over one hundred blossoms on a single bloom stalk. As the flowers fade or are picked for use in the home, the branches continue to develop. This growth forms the main structure of the plant and as the stalks continue to grow additional bloom stalks form on each of the branches. Plumerias with many branches can have a flower stalk on each one and bloom continuously through the year.
If you live on the beach and you were wondering if plumerias are right for you then I will say yes, this is your plant. Plumerias are resistant to salt and will actually grow directly on the beach. In Kona in Hawaii, plumerias are grown in chiseled out lava rock so I am sure they will grow well wherever you have sun. With their eight to ten month bloom season, plumerias can be a centerpiece for any garden.
I hope your will enjoy growing plumerias as much as I have over the years. I f you want to see some pretty colors stop by my nursery and look around. As always, remember, without plants, we would not be here.


  1. william ayers
    June 16, 2014 at 2:02 pm

    I would like to purchase a blooming plumeria in a pot. what kind are in bloom and what are the prices?

    • Mark Govan
      June 19, 2014 at 3:03 pm

      We have many plumerias in bloom at all times. Prices range from $25.00 for one gallon containers to $45.00 for three gallon and up depending on cultivar.

    • Mark Govan
      October 13, 2014 at 11:59 am

      Our Nursery, ABC Tropical Plant Nursery is located in Largo at 13275 66th St. N. We have a wide variety of plumerias available at all time. Many are always in bloom! Most one gallon starter plants are $25 each or 2 for $40.00. See you soon!

  2. Rosette Bowsky
    June 14, 2015 at 6:00 pm

    We have several plumerias and only one is blooming this year. Last year all had started blooms in June. Throughout the year, we fertilzed with Osmocote and in April we added Dynamite (13-13-13) to the fertizling schedule. No disease, rust or bugs appear on the plants. Any suggestions??

    • Mark Govan
      August 24, 2015 at 5:19 pm

      Plumerias will ultimately bloom on their own schedule. I think you are doing everything right, just give it a little more time and keep up the fertilization. Make sure the plants are getting as much sun as possible and keep the faith. If you would like to read more about plumerias, please visit my website and blog at Hope this Helps!

  3. Lynn McKinney
    May 22, 2016 at 11:46 pm

    I try to listen to your radio program, WFLA 970 every Sunday, and have done so for years when you first started there. Even though you have said several times what to spray, could you tell me how I can get ahead of the rust that takes over the leaves of my plumeria trees? Thank you and keep spreading your knowledge. Lynn

    • Mark Govan
      May 23, 2016 at 1:25 pm

      Well I am now using a new product that seems so far to be the best product I have ever used to control the rust. This product is called Honor Guard PPZ ‑ PT
      $30.55 · Free shipping, no tax
      $30.50 · DIY Pest Control Free shipping, no tax
      $31.95 · eBay
      Make sure you read the label and mix accordingly and be prepared to see some of the leaves on the plant will get dead spots on them. So far this is the only drawback as it does not affect the flowering. I would rather have some leaves that have small dead spots on them than loose all the leaves! Try it and let me know what you think!

  4. Tamra Gorsuch
    September 4, 2016 at 9:15 pm

    My beautiful 20 ‘ plumeria broke during our recent storm. I now have many many stalks for replanting ,but what is the best thing to do with the remaining 4’ broken stump

    • Mark Govan
      September 6, 2016 at 5:03 pm

      Cut the main stem off on an angle toward the ground. Make a clean cut. Now you will have to wait for the tree to regrow! Yes, it will come back!

  5. Orchid rogers
    October 5, 2017 at 6:57 pm

    Mark my 14 year old Tabebuia Impetiginosas Pink
    is colonizing my entire property in Oldsmar. No joke, it’s a nightmare. Guess we are really tropical and tree was in a bad spot. Trunk was about 24 inches in circumference
    and it keeps sprouting not only the trunk,, but underground roots that have jumped sidewalks Etc. property is 3/4 acre plus. HELP I listen on Sunday’s but
    haven’t heard this addressed. Thank you.

    • Mark Govan
      October 8, 2017 at 8:11 pm

      Wow, what a beautiful tree this sounds like! I would love to see a photo of it and the problems you are describing. Can you send me some? My email address is I would remove all the suckers from the roots and the lower part of the tree. You may need an arborist to look at it as well but photos will help me make a better recommendations.

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