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What to do this week By Mark Govan, Host “Florida Gardening” on 970WFLA Chinch Bugs, Caterpillars, and Whiteflies June is the month we really start to see changes in the landscape. Some of these changes are pronounced as many of our plants begin their flowering or fruiting seasons. Unfortunately, with all good things, there has […]
Read moreWhat to do this week – By Mark Govan, Host “Florida Gardening“ With so many things going on in the garden this month, I feel compelled to go over three specific items you need to be working on in the garden. These items are – checking on and maintaining your seedling vegetables, feeding your lawns […]
Read moreWhat to do this week –By Mark Govan, Host “Florida Gardening” This week I have decided to go over some specific turf problems many of you have been asking about. How to cure hardpan soils, when I need core aeration, and should I verti-cut or dethatch my lawn, seem to be questions I receive regularly. […]
Read moreWhat to do this week –By Mark Govan, Host “Florida Gardening” My last two articles have covered problems associated with citrus. My first article covered citrus diseases and my second article covered citrus insect problems and the proper care you must do to prevent these diseases and insects from limiting your citrus crop. In this […]
Read moreThis past week I had the opportunity to attend several plant shows which were packed with homeowners picking out plants to use in their yards and gardens. I love seeing people selecting new additions for their gardens but there are a few things that I feel are important to bring to your attention. This week […]
Read moreIt is hard to believe that October is here and those of you that have followed my articles should already see your vegetable gardens starting to take shape. Even though you may have started your fall gardens, there is still much more to do. This week I want to go over a few additional plants […]
Read moreThis week we really need to dive into the garden and get our plants growing to make sure we get as much from our fall harvest as possible. If you read my last article you know it is time to plant your fall garden. This week I want to go over some of the leafy […]
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